First-Time Visitor Information


Whether you’re searching for a church home or just visiting, you are welcome at ROUMC! We strive to be a safe place for people from all walks of life. Our 11AM Worship Service can be described as a “very high church” and liturgical setting. We generally follow the revised common lectionary for our Sunday Scripture selections and use the current edition of The United Methodist Hymnal. 


What should I wear?

Whatever you are comfortable in! You will find some dressed in button-up shirts and dress while others are in jeans and t-shirts. You are welcome here no matter what you look like. We’re just glad you’re here!

Is there something for my kids?

Jesus said, “Let the children come to me. Do not hinder them, for such is the kingdom of God.”

“CLICK” Children Learning In Christ Kingdom: Our Children’s Ministry provides an opportunity for children of all ages to be an active participant in the church. Beginning at 10AM on Sunday Mornings, we gather together for Welcome, Hear, Respond, and Launch (WHRL). Each week, CLICK begins their time together by identifying where they are in the church year and watching an animated video to set up the lesson. Next, they dive into the WHRL Story Bible and the WHRL NRSV Bible together, respond to the scripture lesson with creative leaflet activities, and circle up to review the lesson and pray before going together to worship. During worship, CLICK sits together on the front row where we continue engaging children in Worship. Our children are active participants throughout worship through acolyting, cross bearing, collecting special offerings, and ringing of the bell after church.

Throughout the life of the church, all children are invited to be a part of activities not just spectators. We encourage their help at fellowship meals, in all of our mission opportunities, and special services.

Where do I go?


If you’re coming for Sunday School at 10AM you may enter in the side doors. There is always a friendly face to help you find the class you’re looking for.

When arriving for Worship at 11AM you may enter in the front door of the church or through one of the side doors. There are greeters at each entrance who are happy to help you find your way.

What should I expect during the service?

When attending our traditional worship service, you can expect a fairly structured service, with communal and responsive prayers, and a brief, relevant sermon.

The 11AM service includes singing hymns, and is centered around celebrating Holy Eucharist/Holy Communion every Sunday. You do not need to be a member of our church to celebrate Holy Eucharist as everyone is welcomed to come to God’s Table. A printed bulletin is offered with lots of helpful information and an order of service so you can participate in Worship.

Do I have to be a member to participate in small groups or other activities?

Absolutely not! Whether this is your first time here or you have been here for years, if you feel called to get involved, we welcome you with open arms!