We are a local congregation of The United Methodist Church; we welcome everyone to learn more about who we are and what we believe.
Following the roots of Methodism, our church is devoted to putting faith and love into action, and our primary mission is to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. Therefore, we believe we have a direct responsibility to reach out and listen to you, to accept you as a sister or brother, to share the Good News with you through both word and action, to invite you into our family of faith, and to joyfully receive you when you respond.
Red Oak United Methodist Church is a community of faith inviting all to encounter Jesus, preparing believers to deepen their dependence on God, caring for those who are hurting, and sending ordinary people into the world equipped to do extraordinary things.
Some of us are young, and some are old. There are those of us who are new to the faith and those who are just beginning to explore a faith. Of course, there are those of us who have been here for decades.
We hold in common our desire to be on a journey, though we find ourselves at many different places on the road. Red Oak United Methodist is a place where people can ask questions, learn to pray, and grow in faith. It is also a place where we can walk shoulder to shoulder in community with others. We are a church community which seeks to offer hope and healing — through face to face engagement — with those who are hurting.
Our roots go back to an eighteenth century Englishman John Wesley. He, like us, had a great concern for the soul but never at the expense of a like concern for the physical needs of others. He was a man of faith and works! That is the kind of church we seek to be.
So, who are we? We are a people who believe in grace and seek to live out the love which was taught and evidenced by Jesus. We are a church that believes that God gives second chances and welcomes us back.
We invite you to discover for yourself who we are.